Are you facing a court date?

I can support you while you prepare. Support is very helpful when you are in the position of needing to be heard and give the whole story.

Do you need a letter to the judge?

Judges appreciate letters from Therapists and Counselors giving more hands-on information about you and personal details they want to know.

Are you interested in managing after-care?

When you need after-care, therapy with me is a great choice! I can give you the structure and fulfill requirements you need to stay on track. Counseling with me gives you the continuation of your care plan and supports your efforts to continue your clean and healthy lifestyle.

Support for you is available with me as soon as you are ready. I am here and can provide after-care in structure and alternatives, so you can stay on track in your life!

How can I help you?

Therapy with me can help you put your best effort forward and prove to yourself and the world that you can do it. Many issues come up when the legal system is involved – for whatever reason.

I can support your efforts to stay on track, keep priorities tended to, and succeed in making it through.

Let me help you through any situation that arises with the legal system to give you peace of mind.

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